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Mind & Body classes

Yoga classes
Stretch and relax classes
pilates classes


Yoga helps to improve physical fitness, mental clarity, greater self-understanding and general well-being.

It is the union of mind and body focuses on the physical postures called "asanas", breathing exercises called "pranayama"
and meditation.
Our Yoga class helps to improve physical fitness utilizing strength, flexibility and stamina.

Yoga may help reverse heart disease and can help with balance in older folks. Just two sessions of Hatha yoga per week can increase stability. Yoga can improve balance in people under 60 years old too.
It has long been used for relieving stress and improving mood. Plus, since some people overeat due to stress, conquering stress with yoga might indirectly improve nutrition.

You will be taught throughout the program how to use all the above technique and many more.
Our yoga instructors have large background, qualifications, experience and completed a training course.

Stretch and Relax

Stretch and Relax class an exercise to quieten the mind, relax and unwind.

It builds flexibility and strength and leaves you feeling centered and calm. It is a great exercise to do if you are returning to fitness after a break or as a complement to other types of exercise.

Our workout builds flexibility and strength and leaves. A fusion of gentle yoga-based exercises, our Stretch and Relax instructors show you how to perform a series of stretches and breathing exercises.
Moves and poses are set to relaxing music, creating an environment of peace and calm. Through controlled breathing exercises, you learn how to focus and quieten the mind.

In class, we may use foam rollers to help release tightness in the muscles as well as increase the range of motion and balance the body.


Pilates focuses on movements that support your spine and encourage these benefits: flexibility, core strength, endurance, good posture, mindful breathing.

A hallmark of Pilates is the mind-body connection. You must concentrate on each movement, every breath, and your body alignment. Pilates conditions your entire body elongates and strengthen muscles, and improves muscle tone.

Strength classes

Gym and Personal training

People go to the gym and do strength training for a number of reasons, for bigger muscles, for more toned muscles and for actual physical strength and power.

You can choose to do your own strength training workout on the gym floor, training with your personal trainer, or to do a group exercise class that has strength training includes or focuses exclusively on it.

A strength training class can be a great way to ensure you are training safely, avoiding injury and training the right way to get the specific results you are after.


High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a broad term for workouts that involve short periods of intense exercise alternated with recovery periods.

One of the biggest advantages of HIIT is that you can get maximal health benefits in minimal time. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods. Typically, a HIIT workout will range from 10 to 30 minutes in duration.

Despite how short the workout is, it can produce health benefits similar to twice as much moderate-intensity exercise. The actual activity being performed varies but can include sprinting, biking, jump rope or other body weight exercises.
For example, a HIIT workout using a stationary exercise bike could consist of 30 seconds of cycling as fast as possible against high resistance, followed by several minutes of slow, easy cycling with low resistance. This would be considered one "round" or "repetition" of HIIT, and you would typically complete 4 to 6 repetitions in one workout.

The specific amount of time you exercise and recover will vary based on the activity you choose and how intensely you are exercising.


CrossFit is a wildly popular approach to what some consider extreme fitness.

It mixes exercise and dietary changes in order to build strength and/or lose weight. The workout can be modified depending on your fitness level and goals.

Because CrossFit moves can be modified to fit nearly any fitness level, it’s said to be appropriate for just about everyone — young and old, fit and not so fit. But when starting with CrossFit, the best advice is to start slowly and work your way up.

Weight loss


RPM is a group indoor cycling workout where you control the intensity.

Classes that take place in a dedicated studio, filled with stationary indoor exercise bikes.
Some spinning classes even include periods of exercise off the bike, for example doing some abdominal exercises on the floor beside your bike in between of after periods of bike riding.
With great music pumping and the group spinning as one, your instructor takes you on a journey of hill climbs, sprints and flat riding.

RPM is a great way to build up your sense of personal achievement. You can draw on the group’s energy and find your rhythm in the music. You control your own resistance levels and speed so you can build up your fitness level over time.
It’s a journey, not a race!

Body Step

Body Step class is a full body cardio workout.

In this class you will use simple movements on, over and around the step. Step up, over and around, using gravity as a form of resistance while increasing your heart and lung capacity to boot.

The cardio blocks will push fat burning systems into high gear followed by muscle conditioning tracks that will shape and tone your butt and thighs.
This energy-filled session uses height-adjustable step movements that promote agility and coordination while targeting those common trouble areas.


Zumba it’s a full-body workout, that is featuring movements inspired by various styles of Latin American dance, performed to music.

Designed as a combination of salsa and aerobics, there’s no right or wrong way to do Zumba. As long as you move to the beat of the music, you’re participating in the exercise. And since Zumba involves the movement of the entire body — from your arms to your shoulders and to your feet — you’ll get a full-body workout that doesn’t feel like work.

Zumba class boasts catchy dance music, clapping hands, and even the occasional “Woo!” or gasp of excitement from an enthusiastic participant.


Tabata is great to get a quick workout in if you're short on time, you need to switch up your routine, or you want to improve endurance and speed. Incorporate this type of workout into your fitness routine and produce results.

The formula for a Tabata workout is simple: 20 seconds of all-out effort, followed by 10 seconds of rest. This is one set. You'll complete eight sets of each exercise. It sounds simple and short, don't make the mistake of thinking that it's easier.
These efforts will require max effort.Each exercise in a given Tabata workout lasts only four minutes, but it's likely to be one of the longest four minutes you've ever endured.

You can do pretty much any exercise you wish. You can do squats, push-ups, burpees or any other exercise that works for your large muscle groups. Kettlebell exercises work great, too.

Our personal trainers are health and fitness enthusiasts and who place massive value on advanced, high-intensity training techniques. We want to pass this knowledge and expertise onto others like you in order to help you to get the very most from them and learn how you can incorporate them into your own personal health and fitness regime.


We all know that what you eat is important. But what about when you eat? Especially if you’re active?. Our licensed nutritionists and dietitians and give you practical recommendations for what to eat before, during, and after exercise.

We prepare your personal diet plan according to recommendations by a goal and body type (though we’d emphasize goal over body type).

What is your goal?

Getting ready for a fitness competition. You accumulate a lot of exercise hours. You’re trying to drop to a single-digit body fat percentage. For you, carb intake should be lower. You’d benefit from the performance-enhancing, muscle-preserving essential amino acids (EAA) during your training.

An endurance athlete. You train for high-level competition. You log a lot of high-intensity miles each week. For you, carbohydrate and calorie needs are likely higher.

Training as a bodybuilder. You lift weights with serious muscle growth in mind. You want to gain weight. Your protein and calorie needs are likely higher.

At Mind and body classes a proper diet that includes nutritious food delivers the optimal amounts of nutrients to your body when you are engaged.

Your body can’t produce all those nutrients on its own, and therefore it’s important to consume good food that supports a lifestyle and to refine and solidify the results and eating habits you want to achieve.

Fill your daily diet with proper nutrients to component the physical engagement, not only will you notice a significant improvement in performance as well as a mood. It will also help to fight the effects of aging.

Our diet doctor proper optimal diet for you and tells you how to change eating habits. We also recommend an application on your smartphone, where you'll see your personally monitoring fitness progress like your daily calories burned or distance travelled.


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Training Packages

Beginner Package
$50/ Month
begginer picture
  • check symbol15 days/month
  • check symbolPersonal Trainer
  • check symbolNutrition coaching
  • check symbolPersonalized nutrition plan
  • x symbolSauna Access
Advanced Package
$70/ Month
Advanced picture
  • check symbol20 days/month
  • check symbolPersonal Trainer
  • check symbolNutrition coaching
  • check symbolPersonalized nutrition plan
  •  x symbolSauna Access
Pro Package
$90/ Month
Pro picture
  • check symbol25 days/month
  • check symbolPersonal Trainer
  • check symbolNutrition coaching
  • check symbolPersonalized nutrition plan
  • x symbolSauna Access